Lenten Meditations — Holy Week Prompts

Welcome to Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Chicago’s Lenten Meditation Series: Holy Week


Daily prompts:

Maundy Thursday: What is an act of service you can do today, that would bring someone comfort, peace, joy, or belonging?

Good Friday: When have you experienced great loss in your own life? Were you able to find comfort? Where?

Saturday: Think of a time in your life, when a big and wonderful change was coming, but wasn’t there yet. Maybe you didn’t even know it was around the corner. What was your life like just before it happened?

Easter Sunday: The promise of the Resurrection is that endings are not final. That life and love continue, that renewal is possible both in the Earth and in our own lives. If this is true, is there a place in your life that needs healing, renewal? What would it look like if you were graced with that healing?


From the Pastor - April 3


Easter Flower Dedications 2021