From the Pastor - April 3

Greetings Ebenezer Friends!

As I write, we are about to enter the Great Three Days, and the joy of Easter. Over a year, and now a second Holy Week later, I share your hope and longing to be able to return to our usual gatherings and celebrations. And while I look forward to limited, modified worship service in May, I can assure you that the online liturgies being prepared by the staff, choir, worship leaders, and the intrepid Rick Stuckey will fill your spirit with the solemnity and joy of the season.

Be sure to visit ebenezerchurch(dot)org for links and bulletins for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil and Morning, including resources for children.

Be safe and well. And peace to all of you in the name of the crucified and risen Christ.


Maundy Thursday Liturgy - 04/01/2021


Lenten Meditations — Holy Week Prompts