Supporting New Congregations

Did you know that the buildings at 1650 W. Foster are home to multiple Christian congregations?

Early in the 2000's, St. Mary Eritrean Orthodox Church began holding their services in the auditorium space. During this time many friendships were formed between the Ebenezer congregation at the St. Mary congregation through the tutoring program. In July 2007, St. Mary Church purchased a vacant church building near Devon and Paulina and began worshiping in their current home.

Shortly after St. Mary Church left Ebenezer’s building, Holy Trinity Eritrean Orthodox Church established a congregation at Ebenezer. They have conducted services at Ebenezer from then until July 2021. During their time at Ebenezer, this small congregation has purchased a large vacant garage and converted it to a beautiful new church for their congregation. On July 16 they will move to their new building.

Closing doors leads to opportunities. The Tigray people of the Wheaton Ethiopian Church hearing of the vacancy at Ebenezer contacted the building committee about moving their newly formed congregation to our building. They said Ebenezer has a reputation of being open to refugee populations and they took a chance and asked. On August 1, 2021 St. Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Church will hold its first service in the auditorium at Ebenezer. More about the history of this new congregation will be out in later publications.

Please help to welcome this new neighbor as we wish Holy Trinity God's blessings in their new home on West Rogers!


From the Pastor - July 9


Ebenezer Seniors’ Picnic - July 15