From the Pastor - July 1

Dear Friends at Ebenezer,

As we continue to enjoy this summer season or worship, fellowship, and travel, please make every effort to attend worship services when you can. Your presence is a blessing to us all!

At the same time, rest and respite are also important, and I will be taking a belated and much needed sabbatical during the month of July. You'll of course continue to be blessed by excellent music and lively and thoughtful sermons! Pastor Emily, Ralph Conrad, and Pastor Arlyn Tolzmann will preside at the table, and you'll receive interpretation of the word in the preaching of Pastors Emily and Arlyn, Vikki Ward-Martin, Mark HIcks, and Erie Sara. Come give them your love and support as they make my time away possible!

You can still contact myself or Parish Nurse Marcia Smith in case of emergencies and we'll do our very best to make sure you're covered.

Finally, look for more information soon on a sending celebration for Pastor Emily on August 7.

I am so grateful to all of you for this time to reflect and recharge for the Fall season, which will see the return of Community Hour and Coffee Fellowship, and a renewed outreach to our neighbors and friends. Get ready for Homecoming this September!

Peace be with you all,

Pastor Michael


Ebenezer Tutoring Program - Tutors Survey


From the Pastor - June 17