From the Pastor - March 4

Dear Saints at Ebenezer,

Our Lenten season is underway, with opportunities for worship, prayer, and study. Be sure to look this Sunday for a Confession and Forgiveness at Home resource to enrich your observance this blessed season.

As Chicago and Illinois have updated their Covid-19 guidance, Ebenezer is making some measured modifications for both our liturgies and our shared space partners.

For our liturgies and shared space users:

  • Masks and sign-in are to still be our practice together, for the time being. Throughout the pandemic we have looked to Chicago Public Schools policy as a guidepost, as we serve similar populations in a similar setting. Should CPS policies change in the next weeks, as they may, we will revisit our policies, bearing in mind some of our community remain at some risk should they contract the virus.

  • Holy Communion will be primarily offered within the liturgy, utilizing baked bread and individual cups and may be consumed in the sanctuary. However, for those who prefer, consecrated elements will remain available in the narthex for communion outside the sanctuary.

I am convinced that our continued care for one another is a holy mark of our calling in Christ. Together, step by step, we continue enrich the life of our community.

In Peace,

Pastor Michael


From the Pastor - March 11


Volunteer Tutors Needed