From the Pastor - October 15

Greetings to the Saints at Ebenezer!

This Sunday live music returns to our sanctuary, and children's Sunday school moves indoors. To keep the health and safety of others as our primary and sacred responsibility, masks are required for all regardless of vaccination status.

You will be able to join us via livestream at 10:00 a.m., and the recording will remain available to view at any time. You can access a bulletin and the stream itself on our website or via the weekly Friday enewsletter.

Finally, your support of Ebenezer over the course of the pandemic has been steadfast and so deeply appreciated. As our costs to operate again rise with increased activity, please consider if you can be generous with your giving. We'd like to end this fiscal year in a strong financial position. Thank you again for your support!

I look forward to the joyful sounds of liturgy this Sunday. Please join us.

Pastor Michael


Weekly Liturgy - 10/17/2021


Weekly Liturgy - 10/10/2021