New Neighbors Donation Drive

Personal Care Items Re-stock Needed

Throughout the year, the Resource Team supports families in the Rogers Park and Edgewater area, including newly arrived refugees and immigrants, to meet and overcome the obstacles to an easier life in America. Sponsoring agencies offer a minimum of initial help when families first arrive. Ebenezer’s group works to fill the gaps until families are self-supporting. In particular, food stamps don't cover paper products or personal care items.

We are in need of the following:

  • paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, tissues)

  • shampoo and conditioner for African hair

  • toothpaste

  • baby wipes

  • moisturizer

  • deodorant (all types)

  • body/hand lotion

  • feminine hygiene products

  • shaving supplies

  • 1st aid supplies (bandaids, neosporin, alcohol swabs)

  • q-tips

  • cotton swabs

  • combs and brushes

Cash or Check Donations are welcome, as well. You can indicate “New Neighbors fund” in the memo line, on the envelope or select that fund for your online donation.

Learn more about the New Neighbors Resource Team here.


From the Pastor - August 19


A Lucky Dress