From the Pastor - August 19

Greetings Ebenezer Friends,

It is with great excitement that I can write to you that we have hired a new Youth and Household Minister for Edgewater Congregations Together Youth Ministry!

Adriana Rivera brings a rich skill set and experience, and wonderful energy to this vibrant shared ministry. A celebrated preacher, Adriana will also contribute to our worship life together and I hope many of you will be able to worship on Sunday, August 28 for an informal welcome.

As many ministries are re-energizing after a Covid absence, one that we are especially eager to return is Coffee Fellowship. We'll hold it outdoors to begin whenever possible. A sign up sheet in the narthex is available, so snag your spot to host!

In peace,

Pastor Michael Fick


Ebenezer Tutoring Program 2022-23


New Neighbors Donation Drive