From the Pastor - September 2

Greetings Ebenezer Saints!

The holiday weekend is nearly upon us, and if you're traveling or celebrating away from church, know we are holding you in prayer for a safe weekend with lots of love and friendship shared.

On September 11, we will mark ELCA's God's Work Our Hands Sunday with a simple drive to support Care for Real and Nourishing Hope (formerly Lakeview Pantry). Bring non-perishable foods, new personal care items, or even a check to church, or make a donation online! We'll see that the items get to these neighbors that serve our community.

Be sure to dive deep into the newsletter and website for information about Sunday School, Confirmation for 7th and 8th graders, upcoming youth group events, our Fall Fun Fair, tutoring program, and lots of other opportunities to get involved at Ebenezer.

See you soon,

Pastor Michael


Join the Get Moving Group!


Welcome Christopher Drummond!